worst comments
Match of the Year
A Canadian girl won coupons for a year's supply of pizza.
Went, damn it, for some bread!
hand-to-hand club
Should have beaten the teacher
Hereditary doctor
It happens
Literature exam or “well, why am I worse than Blok ?!”
Pedestrians take note
Pedestrians take note
"My Daughter Asked How I Got Dr. Dre Playing Cards"
10,000 and give ...
10,000 and give ...
Opening wine in a hostel
Pedestrians take note
Reliable way
So it is possible?
The thinnest laptop from Acer
Alone on the plane
Official version from Mechanics
Tea coffee?
"Knot for the memory of a pedestrian." Soviet posters. Road safety
Little Bit News #343
Night club.
adidas fake ads
The best AI in SWAT and FEAR.
The best AI in SWAT and FEAR.
This is what 1 TB of RAM looks like
Heat sensitive edition of Fahrenheit 451
Russian developers allowed to download their game Loop Hero from torrents
The internet corrupted the innocent Tai girl very quickly
I go to the store and...
Found a portal in 2007
But honestly
But honestly
Console Wars: An Outside View