worst comments
cheated wife
cheated wife
cheated wife
Fat Senor Swin lacks the brain to fight smart Feminists, and can only say banal things
You don't understand women either!
Proactive approach
On March 22, 1943, fascists and their accomplices destroyed the Belarusian village of Khatyn
Response to the post "The same "friendly team" that was discussed at the interview"
A police officer from Pskov took birth right on the highway
Sports emotions
Game time
The question is ripe
It's good where we're not there
But there is also positive news.
It's good where we're not there
War in Yugoslavia, 1999
One Hundred Years of Solitude
How to make molds
Fat Senor Swin lacks the brain to fight smart Feminists, and can only say banal things
Five kopecks
But there is also positive news.
Went shopping
Sports girl
It is not yet a fact that a person chooses a cat for himself, and not vice versa
Improvise, adapt, overcome
In the Angara region, a case was opened on the fact of illegal bear hunting
Zadolbali rogue (on premium cars)
New shorthand for sloth league
New shorthand for sloth league
Nothing to add
Why do we need boys?
New giveaway in Epic Games [Every day - a new giveaway]
gender issue
Total War: WARHAMMER III developers have removed Russian localization from the upcoming Forge of the Chaos Dwarfs DLC
Proactive approach
How to increase sales and increase loyalty to a million audience with one message
I am a techie, I will talk about age discrimination, allegedly prohibited in Russia
Rushing to the rescue
Don't lend your credit card to anyone
This morning
Response to the post "The same "friendly team" that was discussed at the interview"
Reply to the post "Dressed as always"