worst comments
Grandmas decide everything!!!
Reply to the post "What country have you lost, eh"
Reply to the post "Special attitude to bread"
Reply to the post "What country have you lost, eh"
Metro and hares
Reply to the post "Special attitude to bread"
Reply to the post "What country have you lost, eh"
Russia received the first contract batch of Baikal-M processors
Why is the solar system the most unusual of all known planetary systems?
Reply to "Difficult"
Reply to the post "What country have you lost, eh"
SplinTer18's answer to "When I Thought I'd Seen It All"
Reply to the post "What country have you lost, eh"
Reply to "Difficult"
Reply to "Difficult"
Reply to the post "Special attitude to bread"
"The whole of Moscow is under stress, Muscovites are angry and with an overestimated heart rate"
Reply to the post "And all the good things in themselves were destroyed ..."
First official speech by the new German Chancellor Olaf Scholz:
Reply to the post "What country have you lost, eh"
Today is the birthday of Alexander Solzhenitsyn
FSB declassified documents on the murders of citizens of the USSR by the Polish army "Craiova"
SplinTer18's answer to "When I Thought I'd Seen It All"
Reply to the post "Special attitude to bread"
Handelsblatt*: Demoralized, exhausted, desperate - how Kyiv puts war-weary soldiers under pressure
Reply to the post "Special attitude to bread"
Reply to the post "Special attitude to bread"
SplinTer18's answer to "When I Thought I'd Seen It All"
The shaman has three hands
The answer to the post "Grandmas decide everything !!!"
Reply to the post "Special attitude to bread"
Reply to the post "Special attitude to bread"
Reply to the post "Special attitude to bread"
Funeral rites before the revolution, after it and now: how and why we do all this
St. Petersburg-Odessa
What a country lost, uh
Ministers, ministers...
Reply to the post "What country have you lost, eh"
Reply to the post "About "The Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power" or good, or once..."
Reply to the post "Special attitude to bread"
Reply to "There's a problem" post
SplinTer18's answer to "When I Thought I'd Seen It All"
Reply to "There's a problem" post
Reply to the post "Special attitude to bread"
Reply to the post "Special attitude to bread"
Right to self-defense
Briefly about international law and democracy according to Biden. – Zakharova
Reply to "Difficult"
Briefly about Russian missiles (Sarmat, Dagger, Avangard)
About the letter Z
Reply to "There's a problem" post
Should I go to the Matrix: Resurrection
Reply to the post "What country have you lost, eh"
What a country lost, uh
The answer to the post "And who installed the iron curtain?"
First official speech by the new German Chancellor Olaf Scholz:
Marilyn Monpo. USA, 1950s
Station Kamenskaya (Kamensk city) Rostov region
Reply to the post "SURVIVOR ERROR"
Would you like to live in the USSR?
Reply to the post "What country have you lost, eh"
Reply to the post "What country have you lost, eh"
Response to the post "Open support or agreement with the aggression of the Russian Federation can be considered a crime"
I watched photos of different ones in the feed...
The wind inspired...
Response to the post "School program of the fourth grade for first graders"
Assistance to refugees
Morning in the forest
Reply to the post "Special attitude to bread"
Back in USSR
SplinTer18's answer to "When I Thought I'd Seen It All"
About teen romance
When you really want to go to the sea
Answer 46165957 in Sobering
Unusual marine inhabitants of the Lovecraftian bottom
Morning in the forest
Medvedev and the Nazis in Europe
Time capsule
USSR as a corporation
Lost laptop Lenovo Ideapad S340
Uranus is the strangest planet in the solar system
Caught in the eye 3.0
Caught in the eye 3.0
The best crew of Solnechnaya just got better :)
Reply to "There's a problem" post
noenoenoe's response to "Children Can Do Dark Humor Too"
noenoenoe's response to "Children Can Do Dark Humor Too"
Why did they put a fake DMV button on TVs of the USSR
Why did they put a fake DMV button on TVs of the USSR
Why has the topic of Ukraine been relevant to many Taganrog residents since 2014?
The wind inspired...
The wind inspired...
Epic Battle of the Moria Bridge
Why the USSR was enemy number one for the West, or why the West will never be our friend
About war
About war
Michael J. Fox put Marty McFly on the Christmas tree
Gazeta Polska Codziennie (Poland): now is not the time for big powers
Reply to the post "What country have you lost, eh"
Response to the post "Wheelbarrow for an ultra-low price"
Reply to the post "What country have you lost, eh"
To Mars!
To Mars!
What a country lost, uh
Remembered for a lifetime
In the USSR, many things were missing
Chinchilla is not only valuable fur!
Giant fool
Bunny from the forest