best comments
Well, I'm not a doctor!
Avatar of Korr
Avatar of Korr
From the life of medical students
Is cooking a science or an art?
Well, I'm not a doctor!
Well, I'm not a doctor!
From the life of medical students
Sudden thought
Help, can a girl immediately get pregnant from 1 time, is a guy able to fertilize from 1 time?
What muscle elevates the penis?
Where do they go???
My egg vlog #4
Attention, sex!
Olympiad in gynecology. I hope for the creativity of pikabushnikov.
Well, I'm not a doctor!
Well, I'm not a doctor!
Attention, sex!
My egg vlog #4
Let's break through!
Anniversary Playstation One
house by the river
Vegetarian diet
One detail
Villains in games are different
Neighbors, let's live together...
My friend's dirty stove.
Sudden thought