best comments
Wood ants spray acid to protect their colony.
Batyrkhan Shukenov passed away
Niagara Falls top view
Can you tell me where the video is from?
Synchronicity of the Chinese at the military parade
How it all began: the people against the moderators.
Did not piss
Niagara Falls top view
Rethinking some things with age
Batyrkhan Shukenov passed away
Masturbation under antidepressants looks something like this -
Correct x-ray
New technologies
New technologies
When revenge is really cruel
A friend who repairs phones told one life hack
It would seem - what is the connection?
It would seem - what is the connection?
The art of killing.
Name of the last movie you watched + "in my ass"
That's why the rivals were afraid of Eric Canton.
Reading the books in the Dark Tower series.
Mint revenge.
iggy azalea
I'm a bit tired
love note
Salute of Victory in Tver
Megafon President Ivan Tavrin announced the need for legislative regulation of WhatsApp, Viber and Skype messengers, etc.
Computer news
Screensavers for popular Sega games
Where the biggest waves in the world are born.
Friendzone as an incentive
A question for which there is no exact answer.
The art of killing.
Handymen of all trades and lovers of "old times"
This look
Open up buddy!
Can you tell me where the video is from?
Dexter Holland is 50 years old. Offspring everyone!
Bastard motherfucker!
Announcement in a nightclub)
Here is the brain mayonnaise of my childhood