Quadrato comments, page 2

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11-August-2015 Tuesday
Post-request for help or love-can't

02-August-2015 Sunday
Before the summer is over, try to be in time:

02-August-2015 Sunday
Desert survival.

31-July-2015 Friday
Mom shares her impressions of a trip to Africa

30-July-2015 Thursday
Pikabu website redesign. beta

29-July-2015 Wednesday
Southern marketing

28-July-2015 Tuesday
Someone had a good rest

23-July-2015 Thursday
Words commonly used "inappropriately"

20-July-2015 Monday
I opened my wallet today and felt like a numismatist =)

18-July-2015 Saturday
What is this infernal drink?

16-July-2015 Thursday

15-July-2015 Wednesday
One of the few whose live is not worse, and maybe even better than the studio

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