Q3DM4 comments

[15] [2] [1]

07-March-2016 Monday
Rafting on the Tym River! Sakhalin region.

04-March-2016 Friday
Everything is on target.

23-February-2016 Tuesday
Just thought

22-February-2016 Monday
The fast and the furious

22-February-2016 Monday
Only one drawback.

20-February-2016 Saturday
When not according to the horoscope

20-February-2016 Saturday

18-February-2016 Thursday
Korenev VS Shien

16-February-2016 Tuesday
Somewhere in Yakutia...

06-February-2016 Saturday
Ceremonial armor of the Swedish king Eric XIV, 1563

01-February-2016 Monday
Small fish

26-January-2016 Tuesday
Day in the polar night

25-January-2016 Monday
Typical Elder Scrolls

20-January-2016 Wednesday
VK comments)

20-January-2016 Wednesday
American cops are preparing money: they made the real Boba Fett armor

20-January-2016 Wednesday
Help me find the song ...

24-July-2015 Friday
I play Destiny, I decided to make a Pikabu clan, join us, let's play together.

23-June-2013 Sunday
I always do this

[15] [2] [1]
