Purxl comments

[121] [2] [1]

01-March-2017 Wednesday
Newsletter #76: Linguists have proved that it is impossible to completely forget your native language

09-February-2017 Thursday

06-February-2017 Monday
Stunning hummingbird plumage

31-January-2017 Tuesday
Desires and the Demon of Envy

30-January-2017 Monday
German bedtime story for children

30-January-2017 Monday
Portion of new monsters caught in the ocean

25-January-2017 Wednesday
Let's fix it now

25-January-2017 Wednesday
Logo for the 1000th anniversary of Brest: a drawing that will surprise you is among the leaders of the voting.

18-January-2017 Wednesday
We would like your problems ... Yulia!

15-January-2017 Sunday
More about family relationships

13-January-2017 Friday
Walk more often guys!

11-January-2017 Wednesday
Interesting rainbow shape over Zimbabwe

22-December-2016 Thursday
Jimmie Cox is the most conscientious plumber on the planet.

06-October-2016 Thursday

18-September-2016 Sunday

13-September-2013 Friday

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