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24-September-2021 Friday
Tartar removal

19-September-2021 Sunday
Talented hedgehog

18-September-2021 Saturday
Airbrush on a T-shirt

17-September-2021 Friday
This is how churchkhela is made in Georgia

17-September-2021 Friday
Reply to the post "Antidepression post..."

08-September-2021 Wednesday
Photographer stories. Part 322

22-August-2021 Sunday
Meme immortalized))

17-August-2021 Tuesday
Do not disgrace our Islam, damn it

13-July-2021 Tuesday
Fox cub tells something to people

13-July-2021 Tuesday
In Ryazan, a tradeswoman did not let paralympic champion Svetlana Konovalova into a clothing boutique. The scandal reached the State Duma!

01-August-2020 Saturday
The complete list of 250 boredom-busting sites I found in those 4 months. Let it remain in the history of RuNet for future generations

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