Proletarski comments

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04-January-2020 Saturday
Kadyrov's daughter opened the Paris restaurant on the site of the city library

02-January-2020 Thursday
What films are watched in different countries of the world on New Year and Christmas?

01-January-2020 Wednesday
Harsh reality

01-January-2020 Wednesday
There is one less asshole. Police in the Urals shot a drunk man who beat his wife

28-December-2019 Saturday
Trained soldiers

19-December-2019 Thursday
Crazy finds from flea markets

14-December-2019 Saturday
Antivirus "AVAST" collected and sold data of its users

25-November-2019 Monday
Martian: bring him home

20-November-2019 Wednesday
The best doctor

20-November-2019 Wednesday
A selection of photos from protests from Chile and Hong Kong. Looks like cyberpunk footage

15-November-2019 Friday
I rewatched the movie today. They knew how to shoot before. A tear wells up. Maybe someone will remember?

15-November-2019 Friday
Conscript Evgeniy Demin's last call to the rescue service before his disappearance

10-November-2019 Sunday
All this is because of your campucter

04-November-2019 Monday
Tip of the day

24-October-2019 Thursday
Sixteen people sentenced to death for burning schoolgirl

21-October-2019 Monday
Greedy rich man

29-January-2017 Sunday
Vanilla cola is back

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