best comments
"I'll be back tomorrow"
There were no witnesses...
"I'll be back tomorrow"
Why You Shouldn't Move to the USA
History of success
girl friend
Tyumen. Who can adopt a cat? The owner will die soon
Johnny Depp with fans
Dancing Pallbearers
Working for Jobs
fsat's response in "How hurtful"
Earth - air
The flight Moscow-New York was launched
American oncology from the inside
Why do you need a bonus?
On the wave. Don't judge people by their clothes
Why You Shouldn't Move to the USA
Hey birat, where's the money? Nat money, see how old the car is!
Notes of an anesthesiologist-resuscitator. Part 4
Cosplay king
Cool chef ...
A resident of Madrid Angel Hernandez made a video of how he helped his sick wife die and surrendered to the police
#88 Whole sausage
The perfect family could be
African stories
Why are draconian quarantine measures needed?
Personnel decides everything
Fuck Fuel Economy +
Damn politicians
Reply to the post “My work is finished here...”
A business coach who taught how to fight coronavirus with meditation dies in Ufa
Lung cancer stage 4. Life.
There's only one left...
Lung cancer stage 4. Life.
How the bitcoin hype ruined life
7 rubles 42 kopecks
Everything that doesn't kill us
About boobs
Financial advice from Pikabu
I love my profession, but sometimes...
Married a sister
There are only 1% of them
Balabanov knew everything (based on protests in the USA)
All sorts of nasty things
Gorbachev was hanged by the neck in Astrakhan
Noise from the fitness center on the first floor.
Buying groceries in the USA
“It’s difficult for you, right?!”
How Germans buy time with money, and then vice versa
How was the USSR invented?
Today officially recognized as the best in the world Sherlock Holmes turned 86 years old!
There are cases...
How orthognathic surgery can change your appearance
Canadian after October 17, 2018
Top management
On the wave. Don't judge people by their clothes
Put the pig under the table...
Who is lucky on that and go
About ethics
"This man is your friend" USA 1942
"I have many faces, but the world does not want to see them": an interview with Harold hiding pain.
To help neighbors or not?
Merkel decides not to run for chancellor of Germany again
Reply to the post “After dismissal”
Knowledge is power
A New Year's miracle or my six weeks in a coma.
He died almost 30 years ago...
About the unrest in the USA
Non-combat veteran
The US will give money to everyone who pays taxes
He was getting married
Doctors are resigning en masse at Central Clinical Hospital No. 1 of Yekaterinburg
What's inside the police car?
Protocol record of the interrogation of Reichsmarschall G. Goering
In Brazil, armed bandits will be killed on the spot
Kevin is an incredible moron.
falling in love vs love
Memoirs of an intensive care nurse.
Safety precautions
The husband told his wife: “Choose, me or your dogs.”
Straw of life, or fuflomycin?
I'm not racist, but...
Well, you and I have already worked together
Volodin urged to do everything for Putin to remain in power "as long as possible"
Memoirs of an intensive care nurse. Story twelve. Part one. Non-transportable patient
Don't pass by...
Fifth Ocean, pseudo-facts and where to look for the truth
Reply to the post “Be ahead of the curve”
The first 100 years for the Communist Party are usually the most difficult.
When the doctor is at home
Semyon Slepakov showed where the "holy fish" is found
Simulation here and does not smell!
The duplicity of environmental activism.
Trailer for The Witcher fan film, Half a Century of Poetry Later / Alzur's Legacy.
The Trumpets of Jericho: A History of Ethnic Cleansing
Assassination attempt by special services
New Year's happiness or dreams come true
All Quiet on the Western Front
Spa treatment for students
Why are draconian quarantine measures needed?
How orthognathic surgery can change your appearance
Muslim Medicine News
Protocol record of the interrogation of Reichsmarschall G. Goering
102 million and 36 thousand
Reply to the post "With balls rolling on the floor"
All these housewarming shows are so the same
How patients in hospitals are killed by their own relatives
Awesome worker and proud employer.
The myth of epilepsy is also common among doctors.
Breakage of consciousness. Chemotherapy.
Well wishing relatives
Flesh Eaters: From Sepsis to Gas Gangrene.
Why You Shouldn't Move to the USA
Why are draconian quarantine measures needed?
Reply to a deleted post
NASA has published the first video from the surface of Mars, taken by the Perseverance rover, as well as unique footage during the descent of the vehicle
Zolgensma. A medicine is not a cure, a doctor is not a doctor? A scandal is brewing
Assorted 35
Historic Moments in Forrest Gump, Part 2
Reply to the post "Dishonored Pedagogy"
Gastarbeiter to Korea, we treat laziness
African stories
Yevgeny Prigozhin sued the editor-in-chief of Meduza for disclosing information about his criminal record
Dream job
How is it in America? Again about evil cops shooting innocent blacks.
From the series: "Doctors are fools" or a little something you can
From the post of a former doctor about burnout in intensive care
Msmidwest_010 (@amirawest)
The last satellite image of Canada.
Private Bullet
How do you become a surgeon?
What food do I miss in Brazil.
Liverpool tradition
New memes from Switzerland.
Who is to blame?
Another teacher
Virus and measures
Never eavesdrop on women's conversations...
Epic battle: The State Duma asked to check Kiselev’s “News of the Week” for extremism
Not now!
Pavlik's mom syndrome
Prohibition on approaching Walmart
Periodic cicadas will hit the US this month
But he's right
Elon Musk - Grass near the house
Tyumen. Who can adopt a cat? The owner will die soon
A business coach who taught how to fight coronavirus with meditation dies in Ufa
Almost a detective story about the death of aquarium fish
How do I treat a hernia in the lower back...
They were so overwhelmed, so overwhelmed: how Norway became the richest country in Europe
Gold words
Dialogues with patients
Green Mile. The life of the characters after the events of the film. What is written in the book
On Reddit they asked: “What do the rich buy that even the poor don’t even know it exists?”
Obstetrics is not for the weak
20-year-old Elizabeth and 26-year-old Philip, 1947
Is it worth resuscitating cancer patients in stage 4?
About writs of execution and responsible debtors
We are also outraged by this
Marry me
Altruism post.
One rake for life
To help neighbors or not?
Doctors are resigning en masse at Central Clinical Hospital No. 1 of Yekaterinburg
For President!
Drill here, there is no cable
"Soviet Belarus" 1994
Builder's Notes 66: Security Camera
Notes of an anesthesiologist-resuscitator. Part 4
What is honesty
Discovery of America - 30. Pros and cons of emigration
SpaceX tested a prototype of the most lifting rocket in history - Starship
New wave
Spa treatment for students
Children do not go to Africa for a walk, or a detailed story about how we ended up in a Kenyan prison.
About my former... job
Notes of an anesthesiologist-resuscitator. Part 4
NASA has published the first video from the surface of Mars, taken by the Perseverance rover, as well as unique footage during the descent of the vehicle
SpaceX carried out a successful launch to an altitude of 10 km and the first successful landing of a full-size Starship prototype
Maniac sat out
Dog handler: the problem of stray dogs can be solved
Doctor from God
Why You Shouldn't Move to the USA
A resident of Madrid Angel Hernandez made a video of how he helped his sick wife die and surrendered to the police
The myth of epilepsy is also common among doctors.
The myth of epilepsy is also common among doctors.
Utilities: Stories (107)
Prohibition on approaching Walmart
About oncology and folk remedies
Me and another contraceptive
Why do you need a bonus?
Best years
Cancer, healthy lifestyle and "old age"
Quit because of a promotion?
I have no regrets
The moment when the inhabitants of New Guinea lost their entire understanding of the world around them
Everyday life of surgeons
Drunk Patients
Brazil and the World Cup 2018. What does a country that is obsessed with football look like during the World Cup
Shish kebab-dislocation of the hip - coma - death
Oncology disease
When I saw the excellent design of a magnificent book ...
Why do doctors turn gray early?
There are cases...
Valera, who lost the bet
“You went on vacation with my money?!”
In light of recent events
The only deal I sign up for
... and a pack of buckwheat
US spy chief
SpaceX tested a prototype of the most lifting rocket in history - Starship
What's inside the police car?
Worst headache ever
Without words
What's inside the police car?
The story of one immigration to New Zealand Part 2
About the boss
About dumplings
About working on MRI
Coronavirus in Toronto
Catching up to posts about multi-accounts
The Most Needed Flowchart of 2020
Died 36-year-old Daria Agupova, who saved a woman with a small child
Inspired by
Winter in Australia.
A New Year's miracle or my six weeks in a coma.
Alternative medicine is a survivor's mistake.
There's only one left...
Harsh German catering: how I got into a fight with the Somali Ahmed. Continuation
1987 vs 2020