Prestidezhitator comments, page 2

[73] [3] [2] [1]

09-August-2020 Sunday
Measurement systems

09-August-2020 Sunday
Some good home photos

09-August-2020 Sunday
Actress Gina Carano was accused of racism for not supporting BLM enough and then for an anti-fascist photo

09-August-2020 Sunday
This morning was born in my sick, sleep-deprived head

09-August-2020 Sunday
Underground again

08-August-2020 Saturday
So you can go like a cuckoo

07-August-2020 Friday
Kobzev’s arbitrariness: a coward is running away from fair elections

07-August-2020 Friday
This is a great example of why social networks were invented!

07-August-2020 Friday
Provincial drama in 10 acts

06-August-2020 Thursday
Reply to the post “True or fake?”

06-August-2020 Thursday
More than 100 young men were returned from Moscow to Chechnya for education

05-August-2020 Wednesday
St. Petersburg. August 5, 2020.. 22:05 Moscow time...

05-August-2020 Wednesday
A fantastic cloud in the Earth's atmosphere, photo taken from the ISS

05-August-2020 Wednesday
How can I unsee this?!

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