PositiveRT comments, page 2

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13-March-2018 Tuesday
Boris Milgram about the new monument to a happy family in Perm: This Stalinist happiness has no place next to the theater

13-March-2018 Tuesday
42 trucks with garbage were taken out of the house of a large family in Sochi

13-March-2018 Tuesday
In Kuzbass bailiffs dispose of 12 liters of beer

12-March-2018 Monday
We got stuck in the elevator at the wedding, it was a long time ago, but the groom is well done)

12-March-2018 Monday
Fitonyasha of the day: Anna Nystrom - the girl who squatted (20 photos)

12-March-2018 Monday
Why people don't like Dagestanis in Kalmykia

12-March-2018 Monday
"Assassin" by Nina Galinska

12-March-2018 Monday
Munchkin kitten

12-March-2018 Monday
Fat troll-SMMschik in the ranks of the Yunarmiya

12-March-2018 Monday
Cloud Mining. 100 Gh/s. Works 100%!!! No investment!

12-March-2018 Monday
Petersburgers calmly looked at the failed murder and dispersed

12-March-2018 Monday
Heading "Science and life".

12-March-2018 Monday
Find the horse in the photo

12-March-2018 Monday
First kiss

12-March-2018 Monday
How to easily grow kombucha from scratch + care for him

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