Pomazmey posts

01-November-2022 Tuesday
Briefly about the secondary car market

17-May-2021 Monday
Boris the cat's secret

14-December-2014 Sunday
Grandpa bought himself a cologne

09-March-2013 Saturday
These are the pigeons

10-February-2013 Sunday
dark, medium, light

03-February-2013 Sunday
play with children

01-February-2013 Friday
mini test

21-January-2013 Monday
May be enough....

12-January-2013 Saturday
Magic beans

10-January-2013 Thursday
Here I got into

09-January-2013 Wednesday

07-January-2013 Monday

06-January-2013 Sunday

02-January-2013 Wednesday
relevant among teenagers

01-January-2013 Tuesday
I think translation is not needed)

30-December-2012 Sunday
pick-up after the 31st

20-October-2012 Saturday
morpheus is no longer a cake

20-June-2012 Wednesday
That's how it was

18-June-2012 Monday
