worst comments
Orthodox fascism. Russia and Orthodox activists. How did this even happen?
Orthodox fascism. Russia and Orthodox activists. How did this even happen?
Orthodox fascism. Russia and Orthodox activists. How did this even happen?
How to raise a child in such conditions?
Colonel's bribe in z.p. hard worker
Good traditions surprise
Announcement of World War III by Elon Musk
Come on Katya!!
Notes of the prosecutor's investigator. Part 25 unscheduled
Come on Katya!!
Come on Katya!!
RimWorld - share the seeds of the worlds
Continuation of the story about a young teacher fired from a Kazan gymnasium because her students chose Russian to study
Come on Katya!!
How to drive in a Land Cruiser and feel like in a route gazelle
Recommend a water gun for brilliant green from gypsies
Good traditions surprise
Come on Katya!!
Announcement of World War III by Elon Musk
On the fence of his wife.
Weird Mothers
Come on Katya!!
Nanny poured boiling water over child
Just a question.
Looking for fantasy for my 12 year old son to get hooked
Good traditions surprise
TV exchange. Lawyers League help needed
Orthodox fascism. Russia and Orthodox activists. How did this even happen?
Just a question.
Come on Katya!!
Come on Katya!!
When you are not very smart
dog problem
Come on Katya!!
Come on Katya!!
23% who do not know how to control themselves :-)
How else to answer such questions?
Porzaek Review: Hot Thing (Chebupeli, Chebureki, Chebupizza and Kruggetsy) / Porzaika
Recommend to read
Bitcoin is holding its own for now
Bitcoin is just another bubble.
Come on Katya!!
Come on Katya!!
Step voltage
Step voltage
Yazhemat or bullshit?
Instagram vs Reality
On the fence of his wife.
Just a question.
Just a question.
Just a question.
Just a question.
Just a question.
Recommend a book on the topic
Yandex Taxi drivers
How else to answer such questions?
Good traditions surprise
About freaks and friends
Just a question.
Come on Katya!!
The art of creating headlines.
You asked to take a picture
And so it will do
Photo shoot in the style of the 90s on the streets of Yekaterinburg
dog problem
Come on Katya!!
Come on Katya!!
Come on Katya!!
Announcement of World War III by Elon Musk
Announcement of World War III by Elon Musk
On the fence of his wife.