Polbanky posts

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18-October-2019 Friday

20-August-2019 Tuesday
Kojima is a genius

02-November-2018 Friday
In the south people are mercantile

05-September-2017 Tuesday
In the animal world

24-March-2017 Friday
Happy navigation service of the Russian Air Force.

27-December-2016 Tuesday
Short career

09-August-2016 Tuesday
Erdogan's plane enters Russian airspace

03-August-2016 Wednesday
More about security

25-May-2016 Wednesday
A small poll on a slippery topic

15-May-2016 Sunday

29-April-2016 Friday
Sports commentator's commentary (real case)

12-April-2016 Tuesday

02-March-2016 Wednesday
In the language of Goethe

20-February-2016 Saturday
Holiday greetings!

11-February-2016 Thursday
Well, let's live now!

04-February-2016 Thursday
Tales from the four hundredth kilometer

21-November-2015 Saturday
Steam Support

09-October-2015 Friday
Orchestra rehearsal

12-August-2015 Wednesday
The real reason (tear off the veils)

17-July-2015 Friday
Physics, colloquium

01-April-2015 Wednesday

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