best comments
Slightly poduporolo
Bad Response
Ta-da-daaaam :D Promised video
Be careful when wearing headphones
Director's Cut
Hello Pikabu, Valentin Strykalo is with you
A bit of simple and fast French cuisine.
When your friend is M#dak
Ta-da-daaaam :D Promised video
Director's Cut
Gopnik level: GOD
The eternal problem of passengers
Bronze medalist!
Director's Cut
My wife loves to draw.
About posts "How to lose weight"
Explanatory letter
Unexpected facts!
Block diagram of an engineer.
The eternal problem of passengers
My wife loves to draw.
Hello Pikabu, Valentin Strykalo is with you
Anger on the web
Bad Response
My wife loves to draw.
Good sleep is always good
Be careful when wearing headphones
The disclosure was agreed with the girl in the photo, she promised not to file any claims =)
I'll venture to lay out my first order for pikabushnik.
The perfect Ferrari F1 pit stop...
The disclosure was agreed with the girl in the photo, she promised not to file any claims =)
The disclosure was agreed with the girl in the photo, she promised not to file any claims =)
Foreign athletes and not only about Sochi (25 photos)
Good sleep is always good
I was looking for a phone
My wife loves to draw.
My wife loves to draw.
Happy Valentine's Day.
The disclosure was agreed with the girl in the photo, she promised not to file any claims =)
I'll venture to lay out my first order for pikabushnik.
Plushenko: Facebook comments
Unexpected facts!
Unexpected facts!
Unexpected facts!
Plushenko: Facebook comments
Wanderer. Character concept sketch
Shampoo for not-so-pretty girls
I'll venture to lay out my first order for pikabushnik.
I'll venture to lay out my first order for pikabushnik.
I'm learning oil pastels.
I'm learning oil pastels.
When a guy dyed his hair black.
The disclosure was agreed with the girl in the photo, she promised not to file any claims =)
My wife loves to draw.
My wife loves to draw.
My wife loves to draw.
My wife loves to draw.
Briefly about drawings in Photoshop
I'll venture to lay out my first order for pikabushnik.
I'll venture to lay out my first order for pikabushnik.
I'll venture to lay out my first order for pikabushnik.
I'll venture to lay out my first order for pikabushnik.
small request
My drawing.
to all those who have been waiting for a whole year :)