Poebatb comments, page 326

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09-December-2024 Monday
Reply to the post "Couriers are now paid more than doctors and IT specialists"

08-December-2024 Sunday
Reply to the post "To Russians from Belarusians"

08-December-2024 Sunday
Caucasus Nazism

08-December-2024 Sunday
Reply to the post "Do you need women when you're over 35? Or why people at this age will usually be alone their whole lives"

08-December-2024 Sunday
Coaches have reached a new level

08-December-2024 Sunday
And another sad story

08-December-2024 Sunday
A teenager has been detained in Moscow for taking a $500 reward for taking a dump under the door at Ekaterina Mizulina's registered address

08-December-2024 Sunday
Let's help Dmitry Malikov

07-December-2024 Saturday
The stupidest question has arisen

06-December-2024 Friday
Voronezh. Other streets

06-December-2024 Friday
VGTRK presenter got caught up in the video and forgot about the live broadcast

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