15-June-2024 Saturday
knusprig's answer to "First time at the dentist"
01-March-2024 Friday
Reply to the post “Canteen vs Restaurant”
18-October-2023 Wednesday
Why, why, does your soul feel so good?
02-May-2023 Tuesday
Classics of the genre
17-December-2022 Saturday
Reply to "Anecdote"
08-December-2022 Thursday
Answer to the post "The myth of Santa Claus"
20-November-2022 Sunday
Reply to the post "Memory Unlocked"
13-November-2022 Sunday
12-November-2022 Saturday
About "Strawberry" on pikabu
10-November-2022 Thursday
Reply to the post "Robobeasts of the 90s"
23-September-2022 Friday
About friendship
22-September-2022 Thursday
22-July-2022 Friday
Me, my friends and Doctor Strange
20-July-2022 Wednesday
Greedy Souls
20-July-2022 Wednesday
About children
19-July-2022 Tuesday
When will I...
18-July-2022 Monday
On the edge
16-July-2022 Saturday
Attempt at writing