Plochich4563 comments, page 7

[7] [6] [1]

14-December-2023 Thursday
Reply to the post “Results of the year with Vladimir Putin. What questions would you ask?

08-December-2023 Friday
Of the relatives, only my stepfather supported

16-November-2023 Thursday
Pay for SVO

06-November-2023 Monday
Girls with children. I have tried...

06-November-2023 Monday

01-November-2023 Wednesday
Top 100 best Russian wines 2023 ex Forbes rating

10-October-2023 Tuesday
Reply to the post “My wife doesn’t want to work anymore. At all. Never"

06-July-2023 Thursday
After a divorce, do children take the side of the abandoned (wife, husband) despite their guilt and hate the one who left? Is it for a long time or is it forever?

05-July-2023 Wednesday
Tears of men

28-June-2023 Wednesday
An attempt to get the last into the wave of posts about work and boobs

25-June-2023 Sunday
Continuation of the post "Let's launch a new flash mob, girls?"

15-June-2023 Thursday
Decent fantasy about hitmen that you can read

30-May-2023 Tuesday
BestMaverick's response to "They think we're robots who only want sex"

28-May-2023 Sunday
Foods That Should Have Killed Us But Couldn't

22-February-2023 Wednesday
Without moms, dads, with loans

[7] [6] [1]
