Pistoff comments, page 51

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11-December-2024 Wednesday
Ooooh, how everything is neglected...

15-November-2024 Friday
Jokes aside, the future is already here

31-October-2024 Thursday
Response to the post "Delimkhanov announced the beginning of the fight for hijabs in Vladimir schools"

28-October-2024 Monday
Behind the sofa

20-October-2024 Sunday
Exactly 30 years ago, all three films were shown in cinemas at the same time

15-October-2024 Tuesday
Happy Debanderization Day

14-October-2024 Monday
Zelensky: "North Korea is sending its soldiers to fight alongside Russian troops in Ukraine"

13-October-2024 Sunday
Reply Rezinoviimozg in "Migrants"

10-October-2024 Thursday
They didn't cure my hangover, the bastards

07-October-2024 Monday
Reply to SnorriGodi in "Klim Zhukov on the origin of the Slavs"

06-October-2024 Sunday
RIP, Chairman

04-October-2024 Friday
The cycle of side dishes in the diet

04-October-2024 Friday
The most terrifying store opening

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