PiPiNdRiS comments, page 18

[19] [18] [17] [1]

06-November-2022 Sunday
Everything is good in moderation

14-October-2022 Friday
[IMPORTANT] Changes to the rules on Tin and the Special Procedure for Posting News, Political and Violent Social Content

24-September-2022 Saturday
How do I get mobilized?

20-July-2022 Wednesday
The plant that will save the world

13-June-2022 Monday
Reply to the post "The hinges need to be lubricated ..."

11-June-2022 Saturday
Children's economy

05-June-2022 Sunday
Do you smoke? But not me! Then...

29-May-2022 Sunday
Give advice on how to live a child

29-May-2022 Sunday
CATandCAT's answer in "Finally"

[19] [18] [17] [1]
