Pfisher comments, page 45

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18-January-2025 Saturday
I couldn't find the words to come up with a title for this video.

30-December-2024 Monday
The father of Victoria Kashuba, who was killed by a pack of stray dogs, openly addressed State Duma deputy V.V. Burmatov

14-December-2024 Saturday
A selection of photographs from the past that make you wonder. 20 colorized photographs from the 19th-20th centuries. Part XIV

01-December-2024 Sunday
Men, do you really think breasts like these are beautiful?

19-November-2024 Tuesday
About egoists or why I stopped giving rides to colleagues

18-November-2024 Monday
These are the kind of people who live in Vladivostok

01-November-2024 Friday
Damn, what did you explain to your wife what her gift really was?

19-October-2024 Saturday
Let's say "No!" to stray dogs in our cities

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