Periton comments, page 15

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16-June-2017 Friday
Aloe cut

29-May-2017 Monday
Remake of Alien.

24-May-2017 Wednesday
Kenyan wins 23km race by wearing socks

24-May-2017 Wednesday
What is the highest meaning of such an engineering solution?

04-May-2017 Thursday
Temple of Hatshepsut

19-April-2017 Wednesday
Khalostov smart ...

18-April-2017 Tuesday
That's what I understand - career growth!

04-April-2017 Tuesday
There is nothing to add.

06-March-2017 Monday
The customer and the scammers, i.e.

09-January-2017 Monday

18-November-2016 Friday
Dinosaurs became extinct millions of years ago!...???

02-November-2016 Wednesday
Free steak lunch and $2.50 on top instead of winning $43 million.

16-August-2016 Tuesday
A house where all the windows are different.

10-June-2016 Friday
The deepest hand-dug well in the world

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