PavukPizzeed comments

[14] [2] [1]

29-March-2020 Sunday
So we left our comfort zone. What's next?)))

29-March-2020 Sunday
Survivor Mistake

23-March-2020 Monday
When I came to visit and accidentally opened the locker

19-March-2020 Thursday
When you're tired of jokes about coronavirus

18-March-2020 Wednesday
The Tale of a Stupid Traveler

18-March-2020 Wednesday

20-February-2020 Thursday
...surprise !

18-February-2020 Tuesday
All my life I've been doing it wrong...

12-February-2020 Wednesday
HR is like HR

22-January-2020 Wednesday
A story about how life doesn't stand still

22-January-2020 Wednesday
The owner of the shop said that it was definitely not a fake

19-December-2019 Thursday
Sugar for beloved children

06-December-2019 Friday
Morning dawn, the sun rose above the ground

[14] [2] [1]
