PavelDomrachev comments, page 5

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25-March-2024 Monday
How to find a job with a salary of 50 thousand more

13-March-2024 Wednesday
Fresh sex with my wife. Again she is dissatisfied, again nothing works out, she is fed up with everything. What to do and how to fix it? - advice from a psychologist

08-March-2024 Friday
How can a man complain about his problems? The answer is brilliantly revealed in the movie "Saving Private Ryan"

07-March-2024 Thursday
Easy fashion for women or is it really easier for women than for men?

07-March-2024 Thursday
Briefly about the man's life: 1. Born. 2. Was to blame for everything. 3. Died

04-March-2024 Monday
Why do wives actually deny their husbands sex?

02-March-2024 Saturday
I asked a girl out on a date and immediately said that I was not looking for a serious relationship

25-February-2024 Sunday
I'm sure my wife is driving me crazy on purpose

23-February-2024 Friday
What to do if your wife wants a divorce, but you don’t. Tough instructions

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