Pater555 comments, page 2

[19] [3] [2] [1]

19-March-2019 Tuesday
Restoration in Krasnodar

19-March-2019 Tuesday
Drawing on the wall as a sign of respect for a regular customer

18-March-2019 Monday
Point of no return

18-March-2019 Monday
The green "hat" on the thief burned down

18-March-2019 Monday
Neighbors damaged the door to the apartment

18-March-2019 Monday
100 days in the Southern Ocean

18-March-2019 Monday

18-March-2019 Monday
The ex-director of the Syamozero camp in Karelia was sentenced to 9.5 years in prison.

17-March-2019 Sunday

17-March-2019 Sunday
How I moved to Australia

17-March-2019 Sunday
Power of attorney question

16-March-2019 Saturday
Strength training with your own weight

13-March-2019 Wednesday
Oil from the tap.

10-March-2019 Sunday
Few options to fly from Moscow to Europe and return back up to 7000 rubles

06-March-2019 Wednesday
Such situation...

[19] [3] [2] [1]
