11-December-2020 Friday
Bund against voicemails?
28-November-2020 Saturday
Annoying callers
06-October-2020 Tuesday
10-September-2020 Thursday
Meanwhile, the port of Beirut, where a powerful explosion occurred a month ago, is burning again
28-August-2020 Friday
About relatives...
28-August-2020 Friday
19-August-2020 Wednesday
Across the entire Country (Moscow-Vladivostok) by car with children in 29 days. #non-schoolgeography. Part 1
16-August-2020 Sunday
I won't be a builder
11-August-2020 Tuesday
The smallest PC with publicly available components in the K39 case from Aliexpress
30-July-2020 Thursday
Another scam on Avito (Mvideo). My review is to save other people.
19-July-2020 Sunday
How we accidentally drove 150 km
13-July-2020 Monday
Reply to the post “When you only learn from your own mistakes”
06-July-2020 Monday
How we changed our IKEA kitchen
12-June-2020 Friday
They deceive you like the last suckers
09-June-2020 Tuesday
First work day
09-June-2020 Tuesday
Observation in the Krasnodar region No. 2
03-June-2020 Wednesday
Petya, the hut and the wedding
03-June-2020 Wednesday
Sberbank introduced a commission for transfers within the bank. To remove restrictions you will have to buy a subscription
06-May-2020 Wednesday
Punishment of the Lord: quarantine, crisis and block on Avito
02-May-2020 Saturday
A mean master or a subtle humorist?