ParHapek posts

13-November-2018 Tuesday
A trifle, but unpleasant

14-October-2018 Sunday
three three three three three

14-October-2018 Sunday
me higher

01-October-2018 Monday
Pina Colada mousse cake (first experience)

04-September-2018 Tuesday
Why isn't the same

20-July-2018 Friday
Metro for introverts.

20-July-2018 Friday
Hello to those standing in the stream at the escalator at rush hour!

06-July-2018 Friday
Is it possible to return the shoes if the warranty has expired?

14-January-2018 Sunday
Who scratched the portrait of the Fat Lady?

23-September-2017 Saturday
Yalta people!

11-September-2017 Monday
Diary brings back memories

07-September-2017 Thursday
More about cakes

07-September-2017 Thursday
Photo of flowers for memory

01-November-2016 Tuesday
Muffins with orange zest and blueberries

24-October-2016 Monday
Maybe now is the time? ...toooortics

24-October-2016 Monday
Maybe it's time to change everything .... toooortics

06-June-2016 Monday
Oh those Asian jokes

01-June-2016 Wednesday
I saw a story about a taxi driver, I decided to share my own)

31-May-2016 Tuesday
Another real estate scam?

29-May-2016 Sunday
Need help with 1C ZUP 3.0
