worst comments
Imprisoned for 8 years "strict man" for protecting his family and his own home
Imprisoned for 8 years "strict man" for protecting his family and his own home
Imprisoned for 8 years "strict man" for protecting his family and his own home
In one of the Krasnodar bars
Continuation of the post “They imprisoned a strict man for 8 years for protecting the family and their own home”
Imprisoned for 8 years "strict man" for protecting his family and his own home
In one of the Krasnodar bars
Imprisoned for 8 years "strict man" for protecting his family and his own home
"I take a step again, I raise the flag of my state" is almost an anthem
Continuation of the post “They imprisoned a strict man for 8 years for protecting the family and their own home”
Tell me what to see?
Appeal to drivers carrying children without child seats