PaniKarolino comments, page 2
13-December-2023 Wednesday
Singles from Novosibirsk
11-June-2022 Saturday
Continuation of the post “They imprisoned a strict man for 8 years for protecting the family and their own home”
18-June-2021 Friday
Imprisoned for 8 years "strict man" for protecting his family and his own home
16-February-2021 Tuesday
Notes from the "special correspondent" behind the fence #4. “Mom, I am a pawnbroker!”
14-February-2021 Sunday
Justice is not for everyone
12-January-2021 Tuesday
Peaceful atom
27-December-2020 Sunday
Don't steal the peaceful atom
18-September-2020 Friday
Medicine for 12000
07-April-2020 Tuesday
30-March-2020 Monday
Some tips from cats on how to entertain yourself in isolation
18-January-2020 Saturday
The woman who killed her daughter wanted to be a parachutist, but survived
07-January-2020 Tuesday
Flower seas
07-December-2019 Saturday
Grow, braid, to the waist.....
22-September-2019 Sunday
The inside of the fair
26-February-2019 Tuesday
A selection of failures
20-February-2019 Wednesday
Tragedy at Uralvagonzavod: after a conversation with superiors, a worker hanged himself in the middle of production
28-November-2018 Wednesday
Candy for a little boy...
04-January-2018 Thursday
Turn right with primary red