Pandazol posts, page 10

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01-June-2017 Thursday
It's time.

31-May-2017 Wednesday
Peekaboo is such a peekaboo ...

31-May-2017 Wednesday
Parking where I want?

31-May-2017 Wednesday
Traffic jams?

24-May-2017 Wednesday
A failed date.

22-May-2017 Monday
what? where? when?

17-May-2017 Wednesday
Good evening...

17-May-2017 Wednesday
I had a chance to visit competitions at a local school.

14-May-2017 Sunday
Another interview.

08-May-2017 Monday
Every girl should have a photo in the toilet.

03-May-2017 Wednesday
School-school... I don't miss you.

01-May-2017 Monday
The weather pleases.

29-April-2017 Saturday
The rich have their quirks.

28-April-2017 Friday
Coffee house.

28-April-2017 Friday

27-April-2017 Thursday
BABIES rule the world!

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