PRINCE2 posts

16-January-2020 Thursday
Guess what!

11-December-2019 Wednesday
Wrong Friends

22-October-2019 Tuesday
Evolution of beggars

20-October-2019 Sunday
Kazakh show-offs

17-October-2019 Thursday
Poser time

11-September-2019 Wednesday
How I almost gave a bribe

30-August-2019 Friday
Take care like the apple of your eye

09-April-2019 Tuesday
Correct example

29-March-2019 Friday
Revenge for the square

14-March-2019 Thursday
Old terms - new explanations

12-March-2019 Tuesday
The advantage of group sex

11-March-2019 Monday
Insolence is the second happiness, unless you are stupid

04-February-2019 Monday

23-July-2018 Monday
Kindness in the Underground
