OscuroSueno comments, page 3

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26-September-2019 Thursday
And again a dating site ..

02-September-2019 Monday
Ghost in the apartment. true story

01-September-2019 Sunday
I was walking my dog ??in the woods and saw this...

21-August-2019 Wednesday
About grandmothers in the Church and not only about them

21-August-2019 Wednesday
You can live in Russia for years and not get citizenship, you just need a chance...

17-August-2019 Saturday
My shitty dates 9-12

16-August-2019 Friday
My service in the IDF (5 and last part)

12-August-2019 Monday
Skyrim in 2019. Does it make sense?

09-August-2019 Friday
Let's help Turik quit smoking together!

31-July-2019 Wednesday
Somewhere in Poland.

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