OriginalVamp posts

27-August-2014 Wednesday
When the plot of the series is famously twisted

01-September-2013 Sunday
Already a month has passed.

01-September-2013 Sunday
Even ducks have Jesus

09-August-2013 Friday
Kill me

09-August-2013 Friday
Hu*m on the forehead :D

08-August-2013 Thursday
When you lie on the couch all day

08-August-2013 Thursday
Squirrel massage :)

08-August-2013 Thursday
Smoked a parrot :D

03-August-2013 Saturday
After the first paycheck

01-August-2013 Thursday
Anna Silk

01-August-2013 Thursday
Mummies are stylish zombies

30-July-2013 Tuesday
Gift prostitute

27-July-2013 Saturday
My reaction when I see something really awesome

20-July-2013 Saturday
I watch the news and...
