OneByOne posts, page 82

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05-February-2012 Sunday
Planet Express in Russian

27-January-2012 Friday
In the Polish Parliament

27-January-2012 Friday
Bill Gates donates $750 million to fight AIDS

29-December-2011 Thursday
I decided, they say, to write a complaint in connection with violations in the elections.

18-November-2011 Friday
Since yesterday, I have already torn off two such posters in my entrance

06-October-2011 Thursday
Rosnano sometimes still does business.

06-October-2011 Thursday
Perhaps that is why the iphone 5 was not presented?

06-October-2011 Thursday
The Italian Wikipedia has been shut down in protest.

04-October-2011 Tuesday
25 years in prison. And only now decided to do a DNA test. Turned out not guilty

04-October-2011 Tuesday
Medvedev allowed the privatization of nuclear icebreakers, as well as berths intended for their service

02-October-2011 Sunday
One day in North Korea.

02-October-2011 Sunday
Bratsk is on fire

02-October-2011 Sunday
One way to circumvent the law

01-October-2011 Saturday
Zhirinovsky in the elections in 1993

01-October-2011 Saturday
100 facts about Australia

01-October-2011 Saturday
Strict smoking bans in New York led to a decrease in the number of smokers from 22% to 14%, in one year their number fell by 100,000

01-October-2011 Saturday
Old advertising and posters of erotic films

01-October-2011 Saturday
What has changed in Moscow with the new mayor - find 10 differences

01-October-2011 Saturday
How to avoid traffic jams.

30-September-2011 Friday
Translation of films in different countries.

30-September-2011 Friday
The new building of the Mestia airport in Georgia, designed by a German company

26-September-2011 Monday
The picture that our brain records while receiving information

26-September-2011 Monday
Convenient and easy parking function on the car

20-September-2011 Tuesday
Posters for famous songs

17-September-2011 Saturday
NTV prepared a story about Prokhorov and Roizman

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