Ompurum comments, page 2

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10-January-2016 Sunday
Modeling is a calling

02-January-2016 Saturday
Found three kittens in the entrance of the house (Krasnoyarsk)

28-December-2015 Monday
Photos from the filming of the new movie Assassin's Creed

06-December-2015 Sunday
Thank you for helping us transport the cat.

02-December-2015 Wednesday
The cat really needs urgent transportation. Help out

30-November-2015 Monday
Dog traveler.

28-November-2015 Saturday
Coal is looking for an owner

20-September-2015 Sunday
How cheaters were punished in the past

02-May-2015 Saturday
Neighbors put in a new door

22-April-2015 Wednesday
Rostov region, Azov. Animal shelter "Phoenix"

08-April-2015 Wednesday
Anne Hathaway parody of Miley Cyrus

28-January-2015 Wednesday
Tyrande Whisperwind - Now and Then

11-January-2015 Sunday
Decided to quit smoking.

10-December-2014 Wednesday
Flyer in the mail.

09-December-2014 Tuesday
Maybe knock?

03-December-2014 Wednesday
""My 90-year-old grandmother sent a vest that she made herself for me to wear to "parties""

24-November-2014 Monday
This is how my cat sleeps

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