worst comments
It was worth swiping
It was worth swiping
Turks are Turks..
A monument to a Soviet soldier was demolished near Lvov.
It was worth swiping
It was worth swiping
It was worth swiping
A monument to a Soviet soldier was demolished near Lvov.
A monument to a Soviet soldier was demolished near Lvov.
A monument to a Soviet soldier was demolished near Lvov.
And why?
These days are the 18th anniversary of the storming of Grozny and the death of the Maykop 131MSB.
Well :D
Well :D
Yesterday's edition of the program "Time" (in the original: "Elections, elections, candidates ... stay")
Here's how everything will be))
Family guy
What was found in the residence of Viktor Yanukovych
American poster "This man is your friend"
It was worth swiping
Yesterday's edition of the program "Time" (in the original: "Elections, elections, candidates ... stay")
What do Ukrainian history textbooks teach schoolchildren?
How Korean football fans get sick.
Performance of Bloodhound Gang in Ukraine
Leo birthday. Change it!
All right
American poster "This man is your friend"
Ukraine 23 May.
What do Ukrainian history textbooks teach schoolchildren?
What do Ukrainian history textbooks teach schoolchildren?
What do Ukrainian history textbooks teach schoolchildren?
When will the Ukrainians come to their senses
It boiled.
About Ukraine.
Turks are Turks..
Leo birthday. Change it!
Leo birthday. Change it!
The world's largest grizzly. [Almost long post]
The essence of pro-Russian speeches
Interested in your opinions
Your suggestions: what should be done with thieves-officials so that there are fewer of them?
What do Ukrainian history textbooks teach schoolchildren?
What do Ukrainian history textbooks teach schoolchildren?
To the topic: "Caucasus strength"
Russia, Kyiv.
What do Ukrainian history textbooks teach schoolchildren?
What do Ukrainian history textbooks teach schoolchildren?
What do Ukrainian history textbooks teach schoolchildren?
What do Ukrainian history textbooks teach schoolchildren?
What do Ukrainian history textbooks teach schoolchildren?
What do Ukrainian history textbooks teach schoolchildren?
What do Ukrainian history textbooks teach schoolchildren?
What do Ukrainian history textbooks teach schoolchildren?
What do Ukrainian history textbooks teach schoolchildren?
What do Ukrainian history textbooks teach schoolchildren?
It was worth swiping
What do Ukrainian history textbooks teach schoolchildren?
Ukraine 23 May.
Sony has introduced a new version of the PlayStation.
Tale of choice
What was found in the residence of Viktor Yanukovych
Skins see into the root!
Water cannon and bank
Secret goals of the Maidan)
About Ukraine.
What did the Russians create?
Paradox "Achilles the tortoise".
Paradox "Achilles the tortoise".
US scientists have announced a breakthrough in nuclear fusion. It is he who promises to give mankind pure and almost unlimited energy.
Series, such series
Expert: The situation in Ukraine is an attempt by the United States to prevent Russia from becoming a great power
She considers Russians "animals" and deprives them of parental rights
Origins of Legitimacy
.Gerard Depardieu leaves France. Damn those taxes!
American poster "This man is your friend"
Shevchenko trololo
What do Ukrainian history textbooks teach schoolchildren?
Vitali Klitschko retired
Putin's team against the psycho-bunny gang
Thanksgiving Day
I suffer from it myself...
In days of doubt, in days of painful reflections on the fate of my homeland,
This is what we must do!
No comment...
USSR - a country of lies?!
Topol M
Aphorisms attributed to Otto von Bismarck:
Accepted unanimously!
The guy seems to have demolished the "attic"
What do Ukrainian history textbooks teach schoolchildren?
What do Ukrainian history textbooks teach schoolchildren?
What do Ukrainian history textbooks teach schoolchildren?
What do Ukrainian history textbooks teach schoolchildren?
What do Ukrainian history textbooks teach schoolchildren?
Yesterday's edition of the program "Time" (in the original: "Elections, elections, candidates ... stay")
From this post: http://pikabu.ru/story/_971556
It was worth swiping
How America Works
If you know what I mean ...
Fucking car gourmets
William Ricketts Reserve
Ukraine 23 May.
American poster "This man is your friend"
American poster "This man is your friend"
American poster "This man is your friend"
most epic gif i've ever seen
Ukraine was called a Russian region
Performance of Bloodhound Gang in Ukraine
American poster "This man is your friend"
Low pelvis pleases Kraz
Were able to before...
Although my views on the world differ from those of Starikov, in this case I agree with him.
Caucasians in Ukraine were slaughtered with unprecedented fury
Ukraine. Why we ALREADY won.
What will happen if the world's glaciers melt? Long post from National Geographic and me.
Like this
Like this
All right
The essence of the Russian army in 1 photo
Children's Day in North Korea
Sunset of White Europe.
What did the Russians create?
What did the Russians create?
France should change flag to all white