Olegx777 posts

01-August-2015 Saturday
Mustang in 3dsmax

04-June-2015 Thursday
Here is a picture I found in a children's book with fairy tales

03-June-2015 Wednesday
Only confuses me that the shirt is for men?

13-May-2015 Wednesday
Another work in 3D max

07-January-2015 Wednesday
Morning surprise

06-January-2015 Tuesday
"Sea pebbles" are not the same

30-December-2014 Tuesday
First car in 3ds max

26-November-2014 Wednesday
Another collage in Photoshop

24-November-2014 Monday
My old collage in Photoshop

23-November-2014 Sunday
I will try again

22-November-2014 Saturday
The first car in 3D max

21-November-2014 Friday
Children know what they want

29-April-2014 Tuesday
Giant cow fight

04-April-2014 Friday

28-March-2014 Friday
How did he get there?

30-November-2012 Friday
Global warming has begun!
