worst comments
Reply to the post "The ability to prioritize correctly"
Those Russians with their nasty habits...
A week in Paris - the truth that guidebooks and travel agencies will not tell!
Well, that's Rastorguev's drool
Found a child. Ufa [Information outdated]
Why don't they go to the factory? My thoughts. Without emotions, because it's already enough
Izzznanka's response to "Why young people don't go to factories"
Most played games in 11 years
Why don't they go to the factory? My thoughts. Without emotions, because it's already enough
Where is the logic?
Beyond common sense
Accounting in the military registration and enlistment office
Tele2 or how the operator began to f*ck, it was 450
Yandex plus, film search and data deletion
Dmitry Goblin Puchkov and Sergey Polikarpov about the struggle for life in military conflicts
Ozon account hack
Have you joked about us yet?
Alfa-Bank launches stickers for contactless payments
8 Steps to Reduce Financial Risk from a Harvard School of Economics Professor
As long as there are idiots...
Have a certificate? What if I find it?
When will they understand the meaning of the expression "what is good for a Russian, then death for a German"?
Do I have one Opera browser complaining about a picaboo?
USSR v.2.0
In the mouth compote is it
Is there something we don't know about politics/economics?...
Salary Proportion
Force accounting pikabushnaya help!
next in line
Dmitry Goblin Puchkov and Sergey Polikarpov about the struggle for life in military conflicts
Dmitry Goblin Puchkov and Sergey Polikarpov about the struggle for life in military conflicts
generous offer
Increased disability group