15-August-2017 Tuesday
Translation of Harry Potter novels. Rowena Ravenclaw.
12-August-2017 Saturday
About translations of "Harry Potter", and not only.
12-August-2017 Saturday
Translation of Harry Potter novels. Helga Hufflepuff.
07-August-2017 Monday
In the piggy bank of disputes about the "correct" translation of Harry Potter.
13-July-2017 Thursday
And what thoughts visit you in public transport?
11-July-2017 Tuesday
Social experiment in a taxi
25-May-2017 Thursday
peeping lover
08-May-2017 Monday
Real grandson
26-April-2017 Wednesday
21-April-2017 Friday
About baby and mother
18-April-2017 Tuesday
About romance novels
11-April-2017 Tuesday
You are a programmer.
23-March-2017 Thursday
I found my baby photo and I don’t know how to react ..
11-March-2017 Saturday
24-February-2017 Friday
Every time at the mechanic
24-February-2017 Friday
A resident of Poland went through absolutely all the games for the NES console in three years
24-February-2017 Friday
paranoid poster
09-February-2017 Thursday
Long awaited sequel
08-February-2017 Wednesday
Musical ear
30-January-2017 Monday
Straight Line #12 [BadComedian]