Ogooon comments

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29-September-2016 Thursday
And again about hints

28-September-2016 Wednesday
Today my grandmother called me and asked:

28-September-2016 Wednesday
Cultural capital

26-September-2016 Monday
"When you send off a player in Zimbabwe"

19-September-2016 Monday
Japan's demographic problem is caused by a large number of virgins

19-August-2016 Friday
Bikers support teen with Down syndrome on his first day of high school

19-August-2016 Friday
It must be cool to have a sick person in the presidents who needs to be injected with a sedative

10-August-2016 Wednesday
I'm trying to unsee

04-August-2016 Thursday
No, thanks...

03-August-2016 Wednesday

28-July-2016 Thursday
Elections elections

21-July-2016 Thursday
Smog in London

21-July-2016 Thursday
Detective League Girl

21-July-2016 Thursday
What do we say to the God of Death?

20-July-2016 Wednesday
Tom Hiddleston carries several markers of different colors with him and signs an autograph with the marker that the fan likes

20-July-2016 Wednesday
Pokemon GO healthy person.

30-June-2016 Thursday
In Dubai, a slingshot was installed to launch people into the air at a speed of 200 km per hour.

15-June-2016 Wednesday
How to make easy money

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