Oeelaf comments

[21] [2] [1]

02-January-2019 Wednesday
Reflection of class consciousness in one commercial

01-January-2019 Tuesday
Bane - An underrated spell or are the critics right?

27-December-2018 Thursday
During the USSR...

24-December-2018 Monday

17-November-2018 Saturday
RPG ABC (M-Magic)

25-October-2018 Thursday

23-October-2018 Tuesday
If you don't know how to choose a dog breed

10-October-2018 Wednesday
Rospotrebnadzor temporarily closed 63 Sushi Wok restaurants in Moscow

13-August-2018 Monday
Bless - the effect of a random bonus on average damage

16-July-2018 Monday
Elven precision in D&D 5 - is it worth the candle?

14-July-2018 Saturday
Taxi driver brain.

10-July-2018 Tuesday
Soviet adventure films

05-July-2018 Thursday
Average Damage in D&D 5 - Theoretical Calculation

04-July-2018 Wednesday
From Scoop through Troubles - to New Russia (Part V, final)

03-July-2018 Tuesday
love rhymes with blood

02-July-2018 Monday
Incredible adventures of the Spaniards of Russia

15-June-2018 Friday
The epic with weight loss, report No. 17 (for 06/14/2018)

[21] [2] [1]
