best comments
Let go
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Maybe someone will write to the relevant authorities. Several people will write, maybe they will react. Disabled man with a shovel crawls on all fours
When the photographer's ears are visible in a photo
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Cheat sheet about nonviolent communication
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Dorm 1995
To seem, not to be
When the cat found out she was pregnant
Extremely dissatisfied!
Incentive to live
The 146% record has been broken!
About promotion
Extremely dissatisfied!
BadComedian - on the Spasibo Honor Board!
Rescued a cat
Extremely dissatisfied!
Reply to the post “Ivleeva Hero of the Year”
Extremely dissatisfied!
Ancient enmity...
I'm so tired
Extremely dissatisfied!
Correct party name
Volodarsky on the skill of a translator and obscenities
Hungary restored the monument to the Soviet soldiers who liberated the country from the Nazis during the Great Patriotic War
In Iran, gasoline is almost free for all citizens
Inaction slavery for the future...
I'll give the client away
Reply to the post “Ivleeva Hero of the Year”
Russian triumph in Bangkok: Our schoolchildren won gold medals at the Natural Science Olympiad
This is how it turned out...
Reply to the post “Ivleeva Hero of the Year”
For connoisseurs of “Ivan Vasilyevich changes everything”
On the honor roll for the fact that with her creativity she has repeatedly protected from questionable sexual relations and STDs
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Reply to the post “Almost a political question”