Nurglec comments, page 10

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27-November-2024 Wednesday
Reply to the post "One plus = one push-up"

14-November-2024 Thursday
Let's Praise the Porsche Owner for Parking on the Sidewalk and Grass

20-August-2024 Tuesday
A president with a big, kind heart!

19-August-2024 Monday
How I bought Lada at Megamarket

07-August-2024 Wednesday
Good day. I don’t know why, but I decided to share with you a photo from the walk, I really like it

07-August-2024 Wednesday
You don't choose the cat, but the cat chooses you...

04-July-2024 Thursday
How I got screwed

02-July-2024 Tuesday
Don't be so scary

23-May-2024 Thursday
How do you like the top?)

30-April-2024 Tuesday
The joke was a success

22-April-2024 Monday
The developer GC Samolet is delaying the delivery of the house for 5 months, a man came to see how his apartment was doing

21-April-2024 Sunday
Explained about the gear

21-April-2024 Sunday
Completely disabled

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