Novikoff comments

21-February-2014 Friday
Support the petition against deforestation, peeps! (description inside)

10-February-2014 Monday
I think many will understand

10-February-2014 Monday
My browsing history on classmates

09-February-2014 Sunday
Suggest some good books by Stephen King, friends!

09-February-2014 Sunday
Olympic beauties

01-February-2014 Saturday
Russian couple had 20 minutes of live sex on PlayStation 4 before they were banned

29-January-2014 Wednesday
Blueberry. Your life will never be the same.

29-January-2014 Wednesday
"The Secret of Women's Logic". View from the side of men.

18-January-2014 Saturday
Help finding a post.

10-January-2014 Friday
Looks like someone

01-January-2014 Wednesday
"My history."

31-December-2013 Tuesday
Eyes in the glass

24-January-2013 Thursday
Senks May Maser and Teacher
