NikZX comments, page 11

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02-December-2023 Saturday
Reply to the post “Governor of Kaliningrad: Those who are dissatisfied with high prices for eggs should buy cheaper eggs”

23-November-2023 Thursday
Reply to the post “A woman from the Duma loudly shouted “we don’t vote” several times and one of the parties abstained from voting on the “fair price” bill”

18-May-2023 Thursday
Utilization of wine and vodka glass containers at recycling points

16-May-2023 Tuesday
Is this what we really fought for?

11-May-2023 Thursday
Wildberries complained about advertising fraud

23-March-2023 Thursday
Wildberries do not solve the problem with the "ready to receive" goods and at the same time they are going to write off the funds for the "return delivery of the goods"

22-March-2023 Wednesday
In the personal account of Wildberries, the goods hang with the status "Ready for delivery", although in fact they are accepted by the buyer

10-March-2023 Friday
False reportage on the Moscow24 channel

05-February-2023 Sunday
The chief policeman of Belaya Kalitva wrote out bonuses to his subordinates, but took the money for himself

18-September-2022 Sunday
Alla Pugacheva asked to be recognized as a foreign agent

09-September-2022 Friday
The last cosmonaut - Hero of the USSR: 66 years old Anatoly Artsebarsky

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