NikTux comments, page 35

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29-March-2019 Friday
*It's so bad that even introverts came

26-March-2019 Tuesday
Features of national coffee

01-March-2019 Friday
In Chinese Overwatch began to instantly ban for the mention of Winnie the Pooh

25-February-2019 Monday
How do I start and finish... pretty much everything

24-February-2019 Sunday
How to peel a tangerine without using your hands

22-February-2019 Friday
In Kirov, a 21-year-old mother was arrested, who locked her three-year-old daughter in an apartment for a week.

19-February-2019 Tuesday
Complexes and the fight against them.

19-February-2019 Tuesday
Megaphone support

19-February-2019 Tuesday
Timati posted a pathetic post: "Love your city the way we do. After all, you are a citizen of a great country."

14-February-2019 Thursday
Not a working day today

13-February-2019 Wednesday
Received a discharge from the hospital.

05-December-2018 Wednesday
Maternal capital

04-December-2018 Tuesday
The mayor of Khabarovsk confused bots with residents, and began to “ban” citizens

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