Nickliq posts

24-July-2021 Saturday
About sons

15-November-2017 Wednesday
Experimental Jazz (performed by the sorter)

05-April-2017 Wednesday
Well Samara University

02-April-2017 Sunday
Growing small-fruited tomatoes at home

02-November-2016 Wednesday
Cattle attacked a surgeon in Samara

19-August-2016 Friday
When the brain is still sleeping

13-July-2016 Wednesday
Kraftwerk - Radioactivity

21-April-2016 Thursday
I never understood...

24-February-2016 Wednesday
Well, I don't know, it doesn't surprise me! And I don't want to be the first...

23-February-2016 Tuesday
Meanwhile, my home maple decided that spring had come.

18-November-2015 Wednesday
Methods for dealing with noisy neighbors

07-December-2014 Sunday
The evolution of my wife's art

09-September-2014 Tuesday
Love my mom

23-February-2014 Sunday
Those who know will understand

07-February-2014 Friday
Beware of inverted content

18-November-2013 Monday
