Nentu comments, page 12

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26-December-2022 Monday
Join the ranks

03-December-2022 Saturday
Cultural layer of the earth

03-December-2022 Saturday
Did Yeltsin utter the phrase "I'm TIRED, I'm leaving"?

17-November-2022 Thursday
Three Suns

16-November-2022 Wednesday
The Orion spacecraft flying to the Moon against the background of the Earth

13-November-2022 Sunday
Is your country bigger than Russia?

11-November-2022 Friday
New Pikabu logo

08-November-2022 Tuesday
A Lunar Eclipse Like Flat Earthers Have Never Seen

31-October-2022 Monday
Here you go

27-October-2022 Thursday
ElSaad's response to "Unclean father-in-law, but shame on children"

24-October-2022 Monday
Peter and Paul Cathedral against the background of the flag of Russia from chemtrails in the sky

22-October-2022 Saturday
Response to the post "In Yekaterinburg, a guy who protected his 15-year-old sister from molestation was beaten"

21-October-2022 Friday
How to upload video to The Peekaboo without losing quality

04-October-2022 Tuesday
Kanye West at one of his performances

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